How Do I Know If I Need Wisdom Teeth Surgery? 3 Telltale Signs

For almost everyone, their wisdom teeth emerge around their late teens or early 20s. But getting your wisdom teeth doesn’t always mean they have to be removed. They might emerge without causing any problems.
Here at SPA Dental Group, we have a few things we’d like you to pay attention to as you approach the age of your wisdom teeth coming in, so they don’t want them to cause issues for your oral health.
We have the expertise and experience to perform wisdom teeth removal. Though it’s not always needed, we want you to be on the lookout for three telltale signs that might indicate you need to have them removed.
1. Shifting teeth
Your wisdom teeth are also called your third molars. That’s because they emerge in the very back of your mouth. As they begin to erupt through your gums, they can push against your other teeth, causing shifting and crowding.
If that happens, you could develop bite issues. Crowding can also cause oral health problems. For example, it can be difficult to reach certain places between your teeth while brushing, which can invite bacteria, leading to tooth decay and other issues.
Shifting teeth can also negatively impact the aesthetics of your smile. For example, if you had braces or cosmetic work in the past to give you a straight smile, shifting teeth can push them too closely together, causing them to overlap.
2. Pain
Pain in your mouth or jaw is a sure sign that you’re having an oral health problem. If your wisdom teeth don’t emerge, it means they’re impacted, a common source of mouth pain.
Symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth include:
- Bad breath
- Pain in your jaw, mouth, or your neck
- Swelling or tenderness in your jaw
- Bleeding and swelling where your wisdom teeth are trying to come in
You can also develop headaches from the pressure your wisdom teeth put on the rest of your teeth as they try to emerge.
3. Tooth decay
Once your wisdom teeth come in, they can be difficult to clean because of how far back they are in your mouth. That also means you can end up with cavities in your other molars since your wisdom teeth are causing crowding.
If your wisdom teeth are impacted, trying to emerge, are fully emerged, or if you have any concerning symptoms, book an appointment with our team immediately. We can offer an honest assessment and discuss your options with you.
Just call the office nearest you in New York City or Washington, DC, or click here to book an appointment today. We can help!
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